Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ask a question about Fahrenheit 451and I will do my best to answer it on this page!

How old is Montag?
Montag is thirty years old.  He reveals this when he tells Clarisse that he has been a firefighter for ten years, since he was twenty. (p.8)

What is the setting?Fahrenheit 451 takes place sometime after the 1990's in an unnamed city.  Bradbury never reveals the city where the story takes place.  Presumably it is in the United States because of the reference to Chicago. 

Was Fahrenheit 451 the only book that Ray Bradbury wrote?NO.  Ray Bradbury wrote many other great short stories and science fiction novels.  Some of his other works include; The Martian Chronicles, Dandelion Wine, The Illustrated Man, Row and Forever, R is for Rocket, Halloween Tree, Farewell Summer, and a number of short stories.  You are sure to find some of his books at your local library or book store.

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